- ¿Por Qué Ecuador?
- Imágenes
- Presentación
- Prólogo
- Agradecimientos
- Índice General
- Lista de Caminatas
- Índice Alfabético
- Los Autores
- La Editorial
- Introducción
- Detalles de la Ruta
- Mapa Topográfico
- Perfil de Altitud
- Con los Autores
- Con la Editorial
© 2002-07 Kunstaetter
Vocabulario para Caminantes
(Tomado del Apéndice C)
Para ver esta lista en orden alfabético en inglés,
haga clic aquí.
Ecuatoriano / Quichua* |
Inglés |
abajo | down |
acampar | to camp |
acequia | irrigation ditch |
agua | water |
ahí no más | nearby |
aldea | village, hamlet |
arenal | sandy slope or plain |
arriba | up |
arriero | muleteer |
arroyo | stream |
asfaltado | paved |
auxilio | help, rescue |
bestia | beast, pack animal |
bosque | woods, forest |
brújula | compass |
burro | donkey |
caballo | horse |
camellones | transverse ridges on a muddy trail |
caminata | trek, walk |
camino | road, trail, path |
camino de herradura | horse/mule trail |
camión | truck |
camioneta | pick-up truck |
campamento | camp |
campesino | rural dweller |
canal de riego | irrigation canal |
cargador | porter |
carpa | tent |
carro | vehicle, car, bus |
carta topográfica | topographic map |
casa comunal | community hall |
cascada | waterfall |
cerco(a) | fence |
cerro | hill |
chaquiñán* | small trail, foot path |
chorrera | waterfall |
choza | primitive hut |
cocha* | pond, lake |
conocedor | local expert, guide |
cordillera | mountain range |
cortar camino | to take a shortcut |
cruce | crossing |
cuchilla | ridge |
cueva | cave |
cultivo | crop, worked field |
cumbre | summit |
derecha | right (direction) |
derrumbe(o) | landslide |
deshecho | path |
Dios le pague | may God repay you, thank you |
empalizado(a) | trail lined with logs |
empedrado | cobbled, lined with stones |
empinado | steep |
enderezo | shortcut (used in the south) |
enfermo(a) | sick |
escuela | school |
este | east |
filo | ridge |
fuente | fountain, spring |
ganado | cattle |
ganado bravo | fighting bulls |
ganado de lidia | fighting bulls |
ganado manso | tame cattle |
garúa | mist |
glacial | glacier |
granizo | hail |
guagua* | child, baby |
guía | guide, guide book |
hacienda | farm, ranch |
helada | frost |
herido(a) | injured |
hospedaje | accommodations |
hospedería | simple accommodations |
hostal | hotel, inn |
hotel | hotel |
izquierda | left (direction) |
lago | lake |
laguna | pond, lake |
lastrado | graveled |
loma | hill |
machay* | cave, overhang |
macho | male, male mule |
mapa | map |
médico | doctor |
minga* | community work project |
mirador | lookout |
monte | woods, forest |
motel | accommodation for short-stay couples |
mula | female mule |
neblina | fog |
nevado | snow-capped mountain |
niebla | fog |
nieve | snow |
norte | north |
oeste | west |
ojo de agua | spring |
paja | straw, tussock grass |
pajonal | straw-covered páramo |
pampa*, pamba* | plain, plateau |
Panamericana, Pana | Pan-American or any major highway |
pantano | swamp |
parada de bus | bus stop |
páramo | high Andean moorland or grassland |
paso | step, pass |
pendiente | slope, steep |
peña | cliff |
perro | dog |
plano | flat |
pogyo* | spring |
portón | gate |
potrero | pasture |
precipicio | cliff |
pueblo | town, village |
puente | bridge |
puente colgante | suspension bridge |
puente peatonal | foot bridge |
pungu*, punku* | door, gate, gateway |
quebrada | ravine, gully, valley, canyon |
ranchera | open-sided bus (used in the south) |
rancho | primitive hut |
refugio | shelter |
riachuelo | stream |
río | river |
rumi* | stone |
sacha* | jungle, forest, wild |
seguir filo filo | to follow the ridge line |
selva | jungle |
sendero | trail |
siga | continue, go ahead |
siga no más | go ahead (imperative) |
soroche | altitude sickness |
subtrópico | subtropics, warm lowlands |
sur | south |
tambo* | inn, rest stop along trail |
tarabita | primitive cable car |
tembladera | quaking bog (used in the Llanganates) |
tempestad | storm |
temporal | storm |
terminal terrestre | bus station |
tienda | shop, general store |
toro | bull |
toro bravo | fighting bull |
urcu*, ucu* | mountain |
vaca | cow |
vado | ford |
valle | valley |
venenoso(a) | poisonous |
vertiente | spring |
vía carrosable | vehicle road |
viento | wind |
yacu* | water, river |
yegua | mare |