- Why Ecuador?
- Slide Show
- Foreword
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Table of Contents
- Trek Summaries
- Index
- About the Authors
- About the Publisher
- Overview
- Route Description
- Topographic Map
- Elevation Profile
- The Authors
- The Publisher
© 2002-07 Kunstaetter
(Appendix D, Supplement)
The following are some of the plants commonly found along the trekking routes
described in this book. For additional information see the flora references listed
in Appendix B: Further Reading.
Click here to see this list sorted by English name.
Spanish / Quichua* |
English |
Scientific Name (Latin) |
achupalla | puya (terrestrial bromeliad) | Puya spp |
aguacatillo | laurel | Nectandra spp |
aliso | alder | Alnus spp |
almohadillas | cushion plants | Azorella spp, Werneria spp |
anturio | anthurium | Anthurium spp |
arquitecta | | Culcitium reflexum |
arrayán | | Eugenia spp, Myrcianthes spp |
bromelia, huicundo | bromeliad | family Bromeliaceae |
caña guadúa | bamboo (thick, lowland) | Guadua spp |
cacho de venado, taruga rinri* | deer's antlers | Halenia weddeliana |
camacho | elephant's ear | Xanthasoma spp |
campanilla, ashpacorral* | bomaria | Bomaria spp |
canelo | | Nectandra spp |
cascarilla, chinchona | cinchona, red bark | Cinchona succirubra |
cedro | | Cedrela/Swietenia spp |
ceibo | kapok | family Bombacaceae |
chocho, alpaturi | lupin | Lupinus spp |
cholán | | Tecoma stans |
chontaduro | | Bactris spp |
chuquiragua* | chuquiragua | Chuquiragua spp |
ciprés | cypress | Cupressus macrocarpa |
copal | | Dialanthea spp |
cucarda | hibiscus | Hibiscus spp |
ericácea | | Ceratostema alatum |
espadaña | bambusoid grass (tall and broad) | family Poaceae |
faique | Acacia | Acacia macracantha |
flecha, pinto | bambusoid grass (sharp leaf tips) | family Poaceae |
flor de Cristo | epidendrum | Epidendrum spp |
frailejón, sangurima* | | Espeletia spp |
fuscia | fuchsia | Fuchsia spp |
gañal* | | Oreocallis grandiflora |
genciana | gentian | Gentiana/Gentianella spp |
gesneria | gesneriad | family Gesneriacease |
guanto, guantug* | | Brugmansia spp |
guarumo | cecropia | Cecropia spp |
helecho arborecente | tree fern | Cyathea spp |
helecho | fern | |
higuerón | fig | Ficus spp |
hortensia | hydrangea | Hydrangea spp |
jata, abanico | | Loricaria ferruginea |
lancetilla | indian paint brush | Castilleja pumila |
laurel | | Cordia alliodora |
licopodio | club moss | Huperzia/Lycopodium spp |
margarita | daisy | family Asteraceae |
mírame linda | impatiens | Impatiens spp |
molle | | Capparis mollei, Schinus molle |
mortiño | blueberry | Vaccinium floribundum |
motilón | | Hyeronima spp |
musgo | moss | |
orquídea | orchid | family Orchidaceae |
paja | tussock grass | Stipa ichu, Festuca spp, Calamagrotis spp |
palma de cera, palma de ramos | Andean Wax Palm | Ceroxylon spp |
palma, palmera | palm | family Arecaceae |
pantzas, yagual, quinua | polylepis | Polylepis spp |
paraguas de pobre | poor-man's umbrella | Gunnera spp |
pega-pega, popa | mistletoe | family Loranthacease |
piquil*, fical | | Gynoxis buxifolia |
platanillo | heliconia | Heliconia spp |
porotón, guato | erythrina | Erythrina spp |
pujín* | | Hesperomeles spp |
pumamaqui* | | Oreopanax spp |
quishuar* | | Buddleja incana |
romerillo (tree), sisín | podocarpus | Podocarpus spp |
romerillo de páramo (bush) | Saint John's wort | Hypericum larcifolium |
senecio, orejas de burro | | Culcitium spp |
sigse | sword grass | Cortadeira spp |
sobralia | sobralia | Sobralia spp |
sunfo | | Macromeria nubigena |
suro | bamboo (thin, highland) | Chusquea spp |
tagua, corozo | tagua palm | Phytelephas spp |
taxo* | passion fruit | Passiflora mollisima |
zapatilla, zapatito | calceolaria | Calceolaria sp |
zapote, sapote | | Capparis scabrida |